################################################################################ # This is the system model.conf file; it should reside in the user's # profile's INSTALL_DIR/config directory. The parameters here may # be overridden by the event-specific model.conf or model_zc.conf # found in the event's 'current' directory. ################################################################################ [system] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # source_network: # The network/organization code of the organization producting the # ShakeMap. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- source_network = nz #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # source_description: If set, this will replace the event description # in the PDL properties sent for the event. This allows for a more # meaningful description of the source, rather than just a repititon # of the event location. E.g: # # source_description: USGS NEIC ShakeMap # # If not set here, the event description property will be the "location" # field from the origin (event.xml). #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- source_description = GNS ShakeMap #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The type of ShakeMap, either shakemap or shakemap-scenario. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- product_type = shakemap #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # map_status: May be one of: 'automatic', 'released', or 'reviewed'. # 'automatic' is the default. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # max_workers: Sets the number of threads for processing. Larger numbers # should speed up the processing, but may result in errors. The typical number # should be the number of physical processors (not cores) that the machine # has. If you see a message like "BLAS : Program is Terminated. Because you # tried to allocate too many memory regions." then you need to reduce this # number. The default is 1. Less than 1 turns off the threading (which can # make debugging easier). Any more than the number of output IMTs will not # increase performance. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [gmpe_sets]: GMPE sets may be specified in this file. See the documentation # within gmpe_sets.conf for the details. This facility is provided mainly # to support the automatic generation of event-specific model_zc.conf # files with custom GMPE sets. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [gmpe_sets] [[weighted_new_zealand]] gmpes = subduction_interface_nshmp2014,active_crustal_nzshm21,subduction_slab_nshmp2014 weights = 1,0,0 weights_large_dist = None dist_cutoff = nan site_gmpes = None [data] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Vs30 parameters: # vs30file: the path to a file containing a grid of Vs30 values (if # processing a grid) or a list of ident/Vs30 pairs corresponding too the # idents in the output file (see section "prediction_location" below). # The default is the empty string, in which case the Vs30 will be the # vs30Default value everywhere. # vs30defaut: the default Vs30 to use when Vs30 is not specified or not # defined at a location. The default is 760.0. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- vs30file = /data/vs30/nz_vs30.grd #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # maskfile: the path to a file containing a geojson polygon describing the # region of interest. The IMT grids resulting from the model will be # cropped so that they take the value NaN outside the provided polygon. # The default is the empty string, in which case no masking/cropping is # performed. maskfile = #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Outlier flagging -- Occasionally an observation from a station will # fall well outside the predicted intensity for an IMT. In these cases, # it is safer to remove the station from further processing until it can # be reviewed by an operator. If the station is determined to be valid # despite the program's findings, it may be manually added back into # processing for subsequent runs (see "valid_stations", below). # do_outliers: True or False -- whether or not to attempt to flag outliers # max_deviation: Number of standard deviations (+/-) outside of which a # residual is considered an outlier and removed from # further processing. # max_mag: The magnitude above which outliers will not be computed for a # point source. If a rupture model is supplied, this parameter # is ignored. # valid_stations: A comma-separated list of station IDs (NET.STA) that # should not be flagged as outliers, even if they # otherwise meet the outlier criteria. This parameter # should only be set in the event-specific model.conf # file since it is applicable only to a particular # event. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[outlier]] do_outliers = True max_deviation = 3.0 max_mag = 7.0 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bad stations: Stations may be manually flagged as "bad", and will be # excluded from processing. Each line in the bad_stations section # takes the form of "net.sta = ondate:offdate. E.g: # # CI.XYZ = 2017-04-29:2018-06-01 # # The on date and off date take the form of YYYY-MM-DD and are compared # with the earthquake date to determine if the station should be # excluded or not. If there is no off date (i.e., the station is still # bad), then the off date should be excluded but the ':' should be # included: # # CI.WXY = 2017-04-29: # # If the start date is arbitrarily early, use 1970-01-01 and the station # will be excluded for all dates prior to the stop date (if supplied). #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[bad_stations]] [modeling] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The GMICE. This must be an abbreviation for a module found in # the gmice_modules section of modules.conf. There is no default; # this parameter must be set somewhere. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- gmice = MGRCG20 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The GMPE set to use in model. The name must be one of the GMPE sets # defined in gmpe_sets.conf or a GMPE set defined elsewhere in this file. # There is no default, this must be set somewhere or # model will throw an error. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- gmpe = weighted_new_zealand #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The IPE. This must be an abbreviation for a module found in # the ipe_modules section of modules.conf, or 'VirtualIPE'. # The default is VirtualIPE #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ipe = Allen12IPE #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # mechanism: The focal mechanism of the earthquake. This value is usually # not set in this (profile-wide) file. It is typically set in the # event-specific model_select.conf (by the "select" module) or # model.conf (by the operator). The value set here or (preferentially) # in the event-specific model.conf or model_select.conf will override # the "mech" or "rake" set in the event.xml file. The acceptable values # are: # # SS (strike slip) # RS (reverse slip) # NM (normal) # ALL (no specific mechanism) # # Example: # # mechanism = RS # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use directivity? # Currently, we only use one directivity model: # Rowshandel, B. (2013). Rowshandel’s NGA-West2 directivity model, # Chapter 3 of PEER Report No. 2013/09, P. Spudich (Editor), Pacific # Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Berkeley, CA. # Notes: # - Only possible if a rupture model is provided. # - This will significantly slow down the evaluation of the shakemap. # - We use an approximate subfault dimension of 1.0 km. # - It is a function of rake, which is not always available and may be # inferred from a guess of the mechanism. # - The model coefficients are defined at the following spectral periods: # 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0. We interpolate the result between these. # - For PGV, we use the T=1.0 factor. # - We use Rowshandel's model type 1. # - We assume the weighting factor for how p-dot-q and s-dot-q are # combined is 0.5. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- directivity = false #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The cross correlation function. This must be an abbreviation for a # module found in the ccf_modules section of modules.conf. There # is no default, this must be set somewhere. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ccf = LB13 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # apply_generic_amp_factors # If this parameter is set to "true", model will look in the operator's # configured "/data/GenericAmpFactors" directory for files # containing amplification factors to apply to the output of the GMPE # (and IPE) for the defined IMTs. If any of the files overlap for the # chosen output grid (or points), they will be summed together. See # the ShakeMap manual section "Generic Amplification Factors" for a # discussion of the format and content of these files. The default # setting for this parameter is "false", meaning that the factors will # not be applied. # Example: # apply_generic_amp_factors = true #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bias parameters # # do_bias: 'true' or 'false' -- whether or not to apply an event bias # max_range: The maximum distance (in kilometers) of a station to be # included in the bias calculation. # max_mag: The maximum magnitude for which to compute a bias if a # finite fault is not available (if a fault is available # this parameter is ignored). # max_delta_sigma: The maximum +/- difference to apply; if the # computed bias is larger than this, it will be set # to 0. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[bias]] do_bias = true max_range = 120 max_mag = 7.7 max_delta_sigma = 1.5 [interp] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # List of intensity measure types to output. # Supported values are "MMI", "PGA", "PGV", and "SA(period)" where "period" # is a floating point number usually between 0.01 and 10.0 (values outside # this range are rarely supported by the GMPE modules. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- imt_list = PGA, PGV, MMI, SA(0.3), SA(1.0), SA(3.0) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # component: # The intensity measure component of the output. Currently supported are: # # GREATER_OF_TWO_HORIZONTAL # RotD50 # RotD100 # # Traditionally, ShakeMap has used GREATER_OF_TWO_HORIZONTAL, and that is # the default. See Boore et al. (2006, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96, 1502-1511) # for a discussion of the other two. # Example: # component = RotD50 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[prediction_location]] #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optionally, a file with a list of locations for the predictions can be # specified, which takes precedence over any other specifications in # this section. The file consists of space-separated lines of # longitude latitude Vs30 ID # (where ID is some sort of alphanumeric identifier (with no spaces)) # Example: # file = /path/to/file #----------------------------------------------------------------------- file = None #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # If making a grid, xres and yres set the resolution. The value is a # float. If unadorned or postfixed with a 'd', the value is decimal # degrees; the value may also be postfixed with 'm' for arc-minutes, # or 'c' for arc-seconds. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- xres = 0.015 yres = 0.015 # If the combination of resolution and extent produce a number of grid # points that exceeds nmax then the resolution will be increased to keep # the number of points below this threshold. nmax = 1000000 # End [[prediction_location]] # End [interp] [extent] # Configuration options for default extent calculation # Users can specify any of these options (or none), but if more than one # method of specifying extents is used, only one will be used in the following # order of priority: bounds, magnitude_spans, coefficients. # If neither of these options are specified, ShakeMap will use the GMPE/GMICE # to get an estimate of the extent that will include all locations that exceed # the configured MMI threshold. # If not using fixed bounds, you can specify relative long/lat offsets for # the extent. For example, relative_offset=0,-0.2 will shift the extent to # the south by 20% of its total height, resulting in the epicenter being # placed 70% of the way up from the bottom of the extent, rather than in # the center as usual. # This offset is applied *after* the magnitude_spans # or MMI calculation. # If the bounds configuration section is not empty, THIS DOES NOTHING. relative_offset=0, 0 [[magnitude_spans]] #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optionally, latspan and lonspan (in deg) can be specified for discrete # magnitude intervals like this: # span1 = minmag, maxmag, latspan, lonspan # Example: # span1 = 0, 6, 4, 3 # span2 = 6, 10, 6, 4 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- span1 = 3, 4, 3, 3 span2 = 4, 5, 4, 4 span3 = 5, 8, 5, 5 span4 = 8, 10, 6, 6 [[bounds]] #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # By default Shakemap will make a best guess at the extent, which is # centered on the origin (epicenter or rupture extent) and the # dimensions are based on the magnitude. See extent.conf to adjust # the way the extent is automatically computed from the origin. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # The default extent can be overwritten by specifying the extent below # extent = W, S, E, N # Example: # extent = -151.0, 60.5, -148.5, 62.5 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # extent = 166.26, -47.42, 179.51, -33.99 [[mmi]] # Threshold MMI to ensure is included in the extent of the map: threshold=4.5 # Minimum distance (km) away from the origin for the extent; mindist # will take precedence over the MMI threshold so that tiny maps are not # created for small magnitude events. mindist=100 # Maximum distance (km) away from the origin for the extent; maxdist # will prevent extents from getting too large for large magnitude events. maxdist=1000 # End [extent]